The network aims to unite people who are dedicated to the development and promotion of their particular artistic practise and who are keen to collaborate with other members on projects and events presented by the network or the individual.

Create Portugal é uma rede para artistas e artesãos de várias nacionalidades que vivem em Portugal. A rede tem por objectivo unificar pessoas que se dedicam ao desenvolvimento e promoção da sua prática individual artística e para quem é entusiasta na colaboração com outros membros em projectos e eventos apresentados pela rede ou de forma individual.


Introducing new member, Willy Bya.

Welcome / Bem Vindo new member artist Willy Bya. Originally from Belgium and now living in Portugal. Willy makes fine water-colour studies and illuminated letters in a traditional style.


See in the post below this wonderful film made by Francisca Ribeiro of the current Create Portugal exhibition, Prisma Lusitano. 
Filmed at the Sala de Leitura Bernardo Santareno, Santarém.
Thank you Francisca! 

You can also view it along with other artworks by Francisca and Jens Selin on their blog:Quinta das Praias

Film of the Prisma Lusitano Exhibition by Francisca Ribeiro



Here are fotos taken by artist Richard Hartnoll of our exhibition just before  and during the inauguration. 
The exhibition shows just how talented the Create Portugal artists are, with great diversity and skill dispayed in their works - Congratulations!

 Thank you to Luísa Cotrim at the library of Santarém and her team.

If you haven´t been to see the show, please pay a visit - it runs until the 26th October.



Create Portugal Artistas internacionais
Temos o prazer de anunciar a exposição de trabalhos dos membros de rede de artistas internacionais de Create Portugal, " Prisma Lusitano".

Convite: Inauguracão dia 21 Setembro ás 18h.00

21 Setembro - 26 Outubro 2012

Sala de Leitura Bernardo Santareno. 
Rua Pedro Canavarro (Antigo Ginásio do Seminário), Santarém
"Click" link para ver onde é a exposição:
Mapa de Santarém. Exposição está numero 22

Horários de visita
Segunda a Sexta-feira: 9h30 - 18h30
Sábado: 9h30 - 13h00


243 321 191 / 243 304 649


Exhibition of work by Els Smulders Waijers

O Presidente de Junta de Freguesia de Cernache do Bonjardim, Sr. Diamantino Calado Pina, tem a honra de convidar V.Ex.ª para o exposição da pintora Holandesa Els Waijers.
Últimamente a pintora está fascinado pela luz e as cores da paisagem, os rios, os montes e o céu. Também ela mostra uns retratos em pastel e tinta de óleo.
Você seja muito bem vindo a 4 de Agosto às 19H00
Atelier de Túlio Vitorino, Rua dos Pinheiros 134, Cernache do Bonjardim - Sertã
The President of Junta de Freguesia de Cernache do Bonjardim, Sr. Diamantino Calado Pina, has the honor to invite you for the exhibition of the dutch painter Els Waijers.
Lately the painter has been fascinated by the light and the colours of the landscape, the rivers, the hills and the air.
She also shows some portraits in pastels and oilpaint.
You are most welcome 4-th of Augosto at 19.00 H
Atelier of Túlio Vitorino, Rua dos Pinheiros 134, Cernache do Bonjardim – Sertã


Introducing our LOGO and Title chosen for the next exhibition!

Prisma Lusitano

23 Artists from the Create Portugal network will be showing their work for the show in Santarém in September. 
Works will be based on each artist´s experience of living in Portugal.  
A BIG thanks to Catharine Sens for designing our logo and to Nuno for the title.



Question : Should an artist accept these times of financial hardship and lower the prices of their art, to make it more possible to sell what are essentially, luxury items?

This was a question I posted recently on the Facebook page, thank you to Dawn and Shirin for these replies:
  • "I always think of this little story about Winston Churchill : "During the Second World War, Winston Churchill’s finance minister said Britain should cut arts funding to support the war effort. Churchill’s response: “Then what are we fighting for?”
    - " I don't know if the question is 'should', because we find we HAVE to..maybe a better question is where are the people with means to support the arts & help sustain work by buying at a good time "

Quinta das Praias: The new kingdom

Quinta das Praias: The new kingdom: The new kingdom is a new illustration series that I’m showing at our group exhibition with M.A.L.A. in Galeria Pintor José Tagarro,...


O M.A.L.A. é um grupo de artistas com a intenção de tocar as pessoas com a sua arte e através dela enriquecer o mundo. É um movimento dinâmico, aberto a qualquer expressão artística e social, que nasce como produto da transição dos tempos e que usa a arte como arma de mudança. O M.A.L.A. reivindica o estatuto de artista como profissão e paralelamente aos circuitos correntes de arte pretende intervir na transformação de espaços públicos. Os canais de transmutação artística são vários desde design gráfico, interiores, artes plásticas e digitais, arquitetura, fotografia, ilustração, banda desenhada e artes terapêuticas. Dentro do M.A.L.A. partilham-se sinergias para a criação de algo novo que vai querer ser levado numa nova viagem. Uma nova viagem que acompanha a mudança dos tempos.  

Temos o prazer de anunciar a exposição de arte do grupo M.A.L.A apresentando trabalhos de seis artistas e com três artistas convidados. 
Inauguração: sábado, dia 12 Maio, 4h
Galeria Pintor José Tagarro, Cartaxo.

Francisca Ribeiro
Jens Selin
João Dias
Luís Alçada
Maria Filomena Canadas
Marta Moreira

Artistas Convidados:
Anca-Maria Toader
Cristian Barbarosie
Rebecca Rason F.C. Ferreira

presença dos artistas
19 e 26 maio
11H00 - 17H00

segunda a sexta
09H00 - 16H00viver
Exposição patente até 31 Maio.




25th-29th June

10hrs-14hrs followed by lunch in the garden

Enjoy 5 days of 'potting' with no interruptions-

Explore hand-building, sculpting or wheelwork,

Then relax round the garden table over a home cooked lunch and a light glass of Rosé (or water)

The whole experience will cost 175Euros

Including all materials,

And lunches.

Book early and tell your friends,

places are limited.


Exhibition - 'AQUEOUS' - Café Saudade, Sintra

Mary St.George e a galeria de arte do Café Saudade tem a honra
em convidá-lo(a) para a inauguração da exposição
'Aqueous' de Mary St.George,
segunda-feira, 2 de Abril de 2012, pelas 19 horas

Av. Doutro Miguel Bombarda, nº6, vila de Sintra 212428804


M.A.L.A exhibition, Santarém

The recently formed art movement M.A.L.A are having their first exhibition, opening this sunday 1st April in Santarém at the El Galego bar/café . Hope to see you there!



1st February marked the first anniversary of the network. We now look forward to all the exciting and creative projects that will evolve and take place this year as a group and as individual artists.
Thank you to everyone who is part of the network and for all the on-going support that I have received.

Today an article was published in The Portugal News newspaper about the network and its origins. Sadly I was unable to find a foto of the group´s LX exhibition with a large enough JPG file in time to print with the article, so i have posted a few with this post.

The next meeting is at the O Caravana restaurant in Santarém for members 11a.m

Here´s to a sparkling year, filled with success, progress and new members!

Rebecca R.F.Ferreira

11/11/11 Opening of LX Factory exhibition.

Quinta das Praias: Marta P. Moreira

Quinta das Praias: Marta P. Moreira: “I’m in love with the ephemeral, modular and portable architecture, the virtue of modern times, I see new habitat paradigms in a consta...


Photo Exhibition, Sintra: 'As Pedras da Condessa'

I'm very happy to invite you to the opening of my exhibition of photographs 'As Pedras da Condessa' (The Countess's Stones) in Sintra, on Saturday, 4th of February at 18.00. If you can't manage that date, the exhibition runs until 10th of March (08.00 to 1900).

This exhibition of five large-format photographs focuses on a dramatic group of granite blocks, commonly known as the Pedras do Chalet, located alongside the Chalet of the Countess d'Edla, in the west of the Parque da Pena in Sintra. Here, between 1864-1869, King Ferdinand II and his second wife, Elise Hensler, Countess d'Edla established a haven for their new life together away from the bustle and business of the court. The Countess, actress, singer, lover of the arts and literature, played a key role in creating a garden around the chalet, full of trees and plants from the four corners of the earth. These huge stones are the most striking feature of this special and romantic setting. It is to these stones, and to the memories they evoke, that this exhibition is devoted - 'as Pedras da Condessa.'

The address is:
Espaço Edla
Rua Dr. Alfredo da Costa, nº.52
2710-523 Sintra
(parallel to the street with the Sintra train station)

Hope to see you there

Richard Hartnoll


ETCHING WORKSHOP - Casa do Celeiro, Colares

Next etching workshop is proposed for Feb. 18 or 19th depending on students' preference in Casa do Celeiro, Colares. If you are interested or know someone who is please have them get in touch. I am offering a 20% discount providing I have a minimum of 4 students (€40 instead of €50 for a 6hr workshop including lunch and materials except plates). Get in touch for further information and/or look at earlier post on same workshop. Mary St.George


Secluded and Romantic Retreat

Portugal Yurt Retreat -
Stay in a romantic Mongolian style yurt and take some time out from your busy life to focus on your creative practice. Bring your paints, brushes, sketch book and drawing materials and relax in the peace and tranquility of a small valley in Central Portugal.

Self catering or B&B, with other meals available upon request.


New MEMBER! Fiona Macleod

I would like to welcome new member artist, Fiona Macleod. You can see her inspiring paintings below and on her website. Fiona lives in the heart of central portugal in the most beautiful region of Sertã.



Davide Susca is an Italian artist who has lived and worked all over the world. He now lives in Cartaxo, where he runs a gourmet shop:
"Loja Mergulhar nas Cores" selling a variety of items from scented soaps to delicious chocolates and permanently displays his art. The shop is also available to other artists to display their work.

"Na nossa loja misturamos Arte, Aromas e SaboresTemos chocolates, compotas, chás, biscoitos, doces
licores, azeites, vinagres, especiarias, sabonetes, cabazes feitos à medida,prendas personalizadas

e Arte by David"

Rua da República Nº 23
2070-067 Cartaxo, Portugal


As a new member of Create Portugal, I would like to take this opportunity to introduce Filomena and her art:

The work of Maria Filomena CANADAS is expressed through a method of works in relief made by gluing, assembly and painting. Different materials are recovered from nature, in the streets, flea-markets and day-to-day packaging. The choice is made taking into account their shape, texture and colour and the function of the object is detracted away from its context. This is an exciting story rehabilitated between the symbolic and emotional. Some objects are extraordinary because of their history and the hands that have come into contact with them.  The works of Maria Filomena intersect the past with the contemporary. It is an adventure that takes place through a metamorphosis of matter and colour.

O trabalho de Maria Filomena CANADAS exprime-se através de relevo por meio de colagem, montagem e pintura. Diferentes materiais são recuperados da natureza, nas ruas, nas velharias e das embalagens do dia a dia. A escolha é feita atendendo à sua forma, textura e cor e a função do objecto é desviada do seu contexto. Este é reabilitado numa história emocionante entre o simbólico e o emocional. Alguns objectos são extraordinários devido à sua história e às mãos que percorreram. Nas obras de Maria Filomena cruzam-se o passado e o contemporâneo. É uma aventura que se realiza por uma metamorfose entre matéria e cor."

Happy New Year!

Bom Ano Novo e Happy New Year 2012!

May I also WELCOME our newest members: 
 artists Maria Filomena Canadas, Davide Susca and Fátima Nina.